Community Support

    Vandermeer Toyota is proud to be caring for Northumberland Humane Society’s transportation needs. Henry Venus, Executive Director of NHS reached out to Hank Vandermeer, owner of Vandermeer...Read More

We are proud to announce Stephan Henderson of Henderson Construction in Port Hope as the winner of a brand new 2018 Toyota Tundra 4×4.  The contest put on by Home Hardware was for contractor...Read More


We took this completely stock 2017 Tacoma Double Cab V6 with TRD Sport and customized it to look like this: AFTER: Can you do this to your Tacoma? ABSOLUTELY! All of these accessories can be pur...Read More

Toyota won nine CBB Retained Value Awards – more than any other auto manufacturer for eighth straight year Toyota won Six ALG Residual Value Awards – more than any other auto manufacture...Read More

15% Reduction in your Auto Insurance with TOYOTA SAFETY SENSE (standard in most 2017 Toyota models!!) It’s another insurance industry first as Aviva Canada today announces a 15% auto insurance ...Read More

With the 2017 Corolla’s landing daily on the lot, we thought we’d answer the most asked question: How does the 2016 Corolla compare to the 2017 Corolla? The Corolla has been a beloved ...Read More

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